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Context-Aware Agent

The Context-Aware Agent enhances the capabilities of standard LLM agents by incorporating relevant context from a retriever for each query. This allows the agent to provide more informed and specific responses based on the available information.


Here's a simple example of how to use the Context-Aware Agent:

import {
} from "llamaindex";

async function createContextAwareAgent() {
// Create and index some documents
const documents = [
new Document({
text: "LlamaIndex is a data framework for LLM applications.",
id_: "doc1",
new Document({
text: "The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France.",
id_: "doc2",

const index = await VectorStoreIndex.fromDocuments(documents);
const retriever = index.asRetriever({ similarityTopK: 1 });

// Create the Context-Aware Agent
const agent = new OpenAIContextAwareAgent({
llm: new OpenAI({ model: "gpt-3.5-turbo" }),
contextRetriever: retriever,

// Use the agent to answer queries
const response = await{
message: "What is LlamaIndex used for?",

console.log("Agent Response:", response.response);


In this example, the Context-Aware Agent uses the retriever to fetch relevant context for each query, allowing it to provide more accurate and informed responses based on the indexed documents.

Key Components

  • contextRetriever: A retriever (e.g., from a VectorStoreIndex) that fetches relevant documents or passages for each query.

Available Context-Aware Agents

  • OpenAIContextAwareAgent: A context-aware agent using OpenAI's models.
  • AnthropicContextAwareAgent: A context-aware agent using Anthropic's models.